Some local places to visit

Click on a placename for photos, links, videos and directions.

The beautiful medieval village of St. Cirq LapopieThe prehistoric cave at Pech MerleThe medieval town of CahorsLalbenque, truffle townThe magical hanging village of RocamadourThe gouffre de PadiracThe caves of LacaveHilltop village of CalvignacMarcilhac sur CéléThe beautiful caves of PresqueEspagnac Ste. EulalieMedieval town of FigeacThe magical village of ConquesThe medieval town of SarlatThe medieval bastide of DommeThe beautiful riverside village of La Roque GageacThe medieval town of GourdonThe beautiful prehistoric caves of CougnacThe magical village of ConquesClick here for Castles to Visit

With grateful acknowledgements to the following organisations, websites and individuals for the use of their images:
Musée de Préhistoire, 46330 Cabrerets, France
R. Delon/Castelet, 92100 Boulogne, France